R.U. Sirius “Counter What?”
Ep. 31
JA unique episode of Team Human, on today’s show Douglas Rushkoff is joined by longtime friend and counterculture legend R.U. Sirius (aka Ken Goffman) founding editor of Mondo 2000. R.U. will help us evaluate the place of the counterculture in the digital landscape. Is counterculture even possible today? Is humanity itself the counterculture as we resist increasingly quantified and abstracted lives? Together R.U. and Rushkoff playfully and thoughtfully examine these questions while asserting those quirky yet challenging expressions of humanity not so easily reduced to code or marketing demographics.
The music on today’s show comes from a variety of R.U. Sirius’s musical projects. Visit https://rusirius.bandcamp.com/ to listen. Follow Sirius’s work at https://stealthissingularity.com/. Musicians are encouraged to connect with R.U.Sirius to collaborate.
Needle drops in this show:
I Politician
Punching A Nazi
Be My Valerie Solanis
Love is the Product
President Mussolini Makes the Planes Run On Time
Photo of R.U. Sirius by Bart Nagel retrieved from
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Follow Douglas Rushkoff
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Hosted by Douglas Rushkoff
Produced by Josh Chapdelaine
Audio Edited & Mixed by Stephen Bartolomei.
Community Manager is Michael Bass.
Music by Fugazi (On this Episode you heard “Foreman’s Dog” in the intro – thanks to the kindness of the band and Dischord Records.)
Team Human is a Production of the Laboratory for Digital Humanism at Queens College.